Monday, 23 January 2012


Nathan Dunn

            I wanted to put a modern twist on Pieta using fast food; or rather I wanted to place fast food in the position of the holy mother and child.  I think the idea is pretty blunt, so I will just give a short spiel. I hear, continually, how certain fast food – usually McDonalds – is heavenly or (obviously hyperbolized) Jesus himself or God. I liked this idea and have decided it would be interesting to create this visually. The image is backlit with a 60-watt bulb and the cord is edited out (I edited the image under the calibration we did in mikes class and it looks good on my computer: Tell me if you can see my edits please). I like the BW image, as I wanted to portray the image as moody but have since been convinced that the color image is more effective.  The middle image is simply softer and warmer.
What do you think?? 

Essay End... 

I lied... Just in case you don't know what Pieta is...


  1. not going to lie, i spent a good amount of time staring at this because it's a quirky idea. i always call mcdonalds heaven. also most definitely prefer the colour version.. b&w kind of dulls the effect (the light is a strange gray and nothing really stands out) and the colouring on the middle is just as strange. colour makes the whole thing pop and i feel you can get your message across better.

    this is going to sound nitpicky (sp?), but that nugget threw me off. not because it's there, but because of how crinkly and fried it is. i feel so absurd saying this, but try find/use a smooth one. i feel like the composition/execution would look more clean and perhaps more "holy."

    just some points to consider! :) x carrie cai

  2. I agree with Carrie, it took me a second to realize it wasn't a peanut butter cookie haha, which threw off the initial interpretation, and the power of the subsequent realization of meaning. Definitely the colour version, especially since most versions of Pieta I've ever seen are in colour. I'd try to desaturate or otherwise edit out the blue streaks in the glass under the burger, they're very distracting to me.

    Other than that, great idea and good execution. I might pull out a bit more on the crop just to give a bit more room in the composition, but that could be personal taste.

    $.02 - Tyler

  3. I really like the softness of the second black and white one, but i like the effect of the first black and white one. Obviously I know you can't have it both ways, haha. I do really like them all I also agree with Carrie and Tyler. The colour one is defiantly my favourite :)

  4. The colour version is a solid photo. I really like the execution, the positioning and lighting. I love the reflection , it moves my eye from the bottom of the piece to the top constantly so that's great! I would just say watch your focusing, I'm looking at the nugget and the paper below it seems a tad sharper and the burger looks a little softer, that's probably artistic intent though ;) or my really poor eye sight! Well done Nathan!

  5. I really really like the second black and white one. The softness and the light behind the burger kind of looks like a halo, which obviously goes along with your concept. But, yeah, the colour one is definitely my favourite!
