Monday, 6 February 2012


So I took some of the suggestions and applied them with variations of each other. This is the result of those many drafts.

I usually like the crop of my photos to be squared but after applying a larger crop, as suggested, I decided that maybe this image wasn’t meant to be squared off.  I did decide to keep the blue/green glow under the subject – which I found out was from the glass on the table—as I liked the complimentary contrast of the cool/warm colors.

I lightened the intense shadow on the nugget and hope it makes it more recognizable.


  1. i'm glad you left the blue reflection. the contrast of warm/cool is effective. plus you could think of it as a subtle tribute to the colours of the V Mary herself...?
    also, i think giving more room on either side was a good call. perhaps there could also be more room on the top, it looks a bit tightly cropped to me.

    -claire h.

  2. I'll give it a try, as I also realize that I can see my edits at the top... dang...

  3. Definitely solved the nugget not being obvious for me, I think this is a successful image. I personally think the crop works as it is, but for the life of me I can't get over the blue because it screams imperfections in the glass that just happened instead of a purposeful element. BUT if you like it for the colours working off each other that's totally valid.

    I think we might be getting to what Alex so elegantly mentioned as the 'salting' of the image. Haha

    Great work man. -TW
