Friday, 17 February 2012

Meagan Christou - Exotic

Only post work done in levels and curves . 
This is my first 'playful' idea, so this is nice :) 
Shot in Trinity Bellwoods Park, I wanted to hint at what it would have been like 100 years ago, with deer running throughout it. Presently the park is infiltrated with large street lamps, making it feel artificial versus organic, so I used a plastic deer that 'lights up' to add to that artificiality. 


  1. This is really cool, Meagan! Only suggestions for improvement I'd have would be to shield your lens from the lights to prevent that flare. Also to me, having the street lamp there at the edge of the frame draws my eye out of the image. I think it would be stronger if you cropped the lamp out. Then you can still see the interesting light it casts on the trees without the overpowering highlights drawing your eye away from the deer.
    -alex haney

  2. I like your idea of exotic though time. I also like the lighting situation with the trees and the subjects. I would like to see the image without the lens flare but am not sure if it would take away from the image or not. With the lighting: my most favourite feature is the different hues from each source. It allows variety and the eye jumps from the stronger colors to the less alluring ones.

    I would have to agree that the lamp in the background draws attention away from the subject, but not immediately. I find my eye goes from the subject, for enough time that I realize something is off with the image, and then to the light post. My eye is then drawn to the subject in order to figure out what was off about it. So, its that "hook" thing that we have been hearing about in many of our classes, placed into effect. I am wondering what the image would look like without the light post being in the image however: maybe only the strong glow is enough?


  3. Hmmm.. I wonder what the image would have looked like without that lamp in the corner...
    I like this concept! Very different from what we have seen!

