Friday, 17 February 2012

Fionn Luk - Blog #2 - Exotic


  1. I'd just like to point out, this where I live, but also made you aware of this last week. I really like the long exposure used to make the stream look more blurred. Colours are also very beautiful and vivid.

  2. this is beautiful. lot ethe long exposure, the water looks so wonderful! great shot!

  3. This honestly looks like a laptop background which I really like. I can only imagine how long it took you to take this shot. I really like it. :)

  4. This is lovely and beautiful etc. etc. The stick pointing up in front of the waterfall is a bit distracting.

    The most interesting part of this photograph is found in either bottom corner. I like rocks in the bottom left they looks like a completely separate entity and are emerging into our space. I also love how abstract the flowers look in the right hand bottom corner of the screen.

  5. Wow! Like Jane said, this looks like one of those amazing pictures you find in a computer! (It's a compliment, haha)
    I really like the slow shutter speed and the magical effect it creates!

