Friday, 3 February 2012

Elaine Wong, Theme #1 Fast Food

You are what you eat.

Elaine W.


  1. i really like the idea of this! would love to see it maybe less cropped, it feels a little too zoomed in. also love how the scale is at 200lbs ahaha

  2. I agree with Carrie, if the crop was a little larger it would give more of an effect. I also really like how you've approached the idea :).. It's funny how we all think that with eating fast-food you do become overweight (if you eat it everyday, and get no exercise) and I really like how you've incorporated that. Good work :)


  3. Agreed! First thing I noticed was the crop. I was a little too distracted at first glance because it was too close. Bring the crop out a bit. :)

  4. I also agree with pulling out more. Also, you should add gravy or something to the fries. Only because the text which is facing directly towards the view yet its not actually a poutine?

    - Jordynn Colosi

  5. I love your concept Elaine! I would love to see some more light on the poutine container, I think it's a wee bit dark.

  6. I concur with pull out, lightening up the container a bit, and gravy! I might skip the cheese curds, but gravy is a definite must!

  7. Great Idea! however, i think if you took a diferant look as in Shooting it from Above looking down, it would cut out the text, and you can have the tight look that your going for here, also shooting it a bit wide then you can crop tighter later. but sweet idea!

  8. Wow, interesting idea! I agree that you should pull out a bit. Also, Geo's approach sounds interesting too!
    Good job!!
