Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Icon - Alex Pennington

This is a photo of my grandmother. An icon in her own right, for my family and I.


  1. I love this! I love the cool colours of the image and the expression on your grandmas face! the only thing thats distracting me is the bottom left hand corner! anyway you can edit that in post!?

  2. this is beautiful alex. there's a strong contrast between her intense expression/skin with the soft light. grandmother's can be pretty damn special/wonderful/warm/intimidating/wise people...i'd definitely want to sit down and have a conversation with yours.
    i agree about the red flare in the bottom left, i think it's bit intense/distracting. as is the black rectangle in the top right. you shot this with 4x5? is there more information of her hair in the negative?
    just a coupla thoughts!

  3. I really like her facial expression. It gives it a sort of interesting intensity mixed with whimsy... being your grandma and all. :) I would agree with the lighting in the bottom left corner. I like the way the lighting is without the sort of Instagram-ish filtery effect, brought on by the fading of red in the bottom left into blue in the top right. It's not too distracting in my opinion, but maybe tone it down a little if possible? I also agree with seeing if you can bring in some information in the hair. :) Otherwise, I really like it!
    - Helen

  4. Hey guys sorry im so late on replying to all the comments!
    Unfortunately this is a jpeg so i dont have much room for editing, the red flare at the bottom corner was actually done in post in order to get the inauthentic authentic look, but now looking back on it i agree with you guys in it being distracting. I'll be posting a re-edit of the photo, taking away some of the red flare and the black rectangle!

  5. Hi Alex

    Do you have a wider version of this? Pulled back more?

