Friday, 2 March 2012

Lauren Leprich - Icon

Hey class :) 

So I was struggling with inspiration for this theme, trying to find an idea that was iconic yet not too obvious or overrated. I ended up being inspired in the strangest way - a mug in Oakham cafe caught my eye that was decorated with "famous moustaches". It made me chuckle, and I had a great time researching and recreating the famous "staches" we've all come to know and love. 
This doesn't have a whole lot of substance, it's just meant to be a fun way to look at famous figures in our culture and the moustaches they wear which have made them icons. 

Thoughts and comments would be much appreciated :) Thanks! 


  1. I like the idea. I think it could be improved with better lighting and perhaps more realistic facial hair. A really good way to do it is use some of your own hair when you get it cut, cut it up really fine and apply it with spirit gum.
    -alex h

  2. Yeah I totally agree, I'd planned to do it in studio, but didn't get the chance this week :( I hated the lighting I had to work with, but did the best I could :P
    Haha and yeah I was hoping to have more realistic looking hair, but decided to go with a more cartoony look just to play with the whole fun mood of the photo. Thats a good idea though, thanks!

  3. I like the idea a lot! Maybe instead of using the same person and drawing on the moustaches you could find different people with different moustaches just to make it more dynamic and real!? i know you said you were going for a cartoony look but just a suggestion :)

  4. Ahaha, this is funny! Unique idea! And this image came across for me as I could recognize who the mustaches belonged to :)

