Friday, 30 March 2012

Lauren Leprich - Fantasy

Hello all!
The first things that come to mind for me, (and I’m sure for a lot of you as well) when I hear the word “fantasy” are fairies, dragons, princes and princesses, kings and queens, basically anything from the fairytales of our childhood. I was struggling at first to find a way to represent these fairytale characters in a way that wasn’t too overly kitschy. Unfortunately I couldn’t find any dragons or fairies to model for me, but I decided a castle would be a good way to sum up the wondrous fairytale vibe I was going for.
So I took a venture out to Casa Loma! It was a bit difficult to find an angle that I liked, so for now I’ve included a few.
I remember visiting this castle with my family when I was really little, so for me it holds a feeling of nostalgia and excitement.
Thoughts and input would be much appreciated!
J Thanks!

Much love, 


  1. I think the effect you did on these photos really works well and does a lot for the theme. Im drawn to the last one, in terms of composition. This immediately makes me think of "Shrek" and Far, Far Away haha! Good job! I love the overall warmness of the image as well!

  2. I love the middle photo the best!
    I love the angle of it and the way my eye is drawn up, yet the dark arches draw my eye to the right.

    The editing is really well done, really neat what you did. Although I may suggest putting more contrast on the original image with the castle!

    - Lyndsey

  3. Love the editing, last photo is my favourite because it has the least vertical distortion and lens (wide) distortion. If the middle shot was done further back and at a longer focal length and then perspective adjusted for the verticals I think it would be the most powerful.

    Last thought, maybe not correct it totally all the way but leave it a little off, keep that sense of looking up in wonder without the distortion being distracting.

    As a side note, what did you do in post to get the effect?

  4. Wow, the effects are really amazing! Casa Loma is pretty fantasy like!
    The last photo is my favourite too! I like how the tree and rock wall frame the shot! :)


  5. Cool set of images! I think the final of the three is my favourite if you're choosing one to go with. It kind of reminds me of Hogwarts, which is pretty fantastic. Would like to see it edited to just have a slightly softer contrast, might make it feel a bit more dreamlike (if that's what you want).


  6. Thanks for all the great feedback, friends! :)

    I'm still kind of deciding between the 2nd and 3rd shot to pick for my final submission :/ I think I may go with the 3rd, and adjust the crop a little. I may follow lyndsey's advice as well, and play with the levels a little, maybe make it a bit more contrasty and intense :)

    Thanks guys! And to answer your question tyler, I just downloaded a filter I found online, and applied it as a smart object, then just played with the blending method and opacity. :) Super easy!

  7. Oh and Jamie I just saw your comment now! Haha you have a good point with the contrast too! Ill just play around with it in general and see what's most "dreamlike". :) Thanks!
