Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Casey Mendonca Theme -Shame

So I know this is a lot late haha oops. I don't really have anything to say about this, its pretty much what it looks like.


  1. i understand where you were going with this, but i think you can improve on the execution. the bruises and marks were done in post, right? maybe try special fx makeup! the post work seems a bit obvious and it's a dusty brown color, looking almost like ash or soot. would like to see where you go with this.

    - carrie cai.

  2. No i actually did them on myself with makeup.


  3. Casey

    I can see why Carrie thinks they were done in post, they look very strange and artificial. The image itself looks quite contrived/staged (which it obviously is). I think that hurts it because it is a recreation of what should be a very traumatic's difficult to feel what one would feel when actually faced with an image of a woman that was just battered. In this case you know it is staged so those feelings do not exist.


  4. interesting concept of the theme shame! I agree with what rbyn said with the feelings kind of not being there.
    Maybe instead you could focus on one thing, such as a bloody nose or a black eye or a bruised arm.
    That way you could still get your theme across yet you dont have to try to act it out!

    - Lyndsey

  5. Completely agree with Lyndsey. You could even make an abstract of a bunch of detail shots of black eye, nose, wrist bruises etc. In this way your effectively removing the personhood out of the injuries, and making the lack of a person or personality in our perception of these images a point of issue.

  6. Yeah, the bruises do look a bit odd.. I thought they were done in post too.
    But I agree with the feelings not being there. I actually really like Tyler's suggestion of making this abstract.

